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BrandSimple: How the Best Brands Keep it Simple and Succeed
- 2-4-2012
- Categorized in: Management, Marketing, Sales
{original squeezed contributor: snallfot}
Key Points
- The author drives his thesis that simple brands are more likely to succeed.
- He describes a process to create simple and relevant brands
The process of developing simple brands:
Establish your brand idea
- A simple and meaningful point of difference that consumers should associate the brand with
- Includes the 3 components:
- Who you’re talking to
- Who you want to beat
- How you’re going to beat them
- Often a solution to a simple, everyday problem that is not obvious to anyone else. Research is a great tool to identify the idea, but requires creative stimuli (e.g. good concepts to test)
- “To (1) frugal people, Motel 6 is the (2) alternative to staying with family and friends that provides a (3) welcoming, comfortable night’s rest at a reasonable price.”
- Not all ideas following these criteria are good ideas. Aim for a specific but durable idea, and try not to be influenced by too many second opinions.
Capture the essence of your idea
- Formulate a brand driver that captures the core meaning of the brand idea
- A brand driver is a single phrase or sentence that can be grasped intuitively by co-workers and provide clear direction that every branding signals should follow
- A good brand driver talks to peoples’ guts, is crystal clear and easy to remember
- GE: “Imagination at work”
- The brand driver is a clarification of the brand idea, which complements it by being inspirational and providing guidance
Get the employees engaged in the idea
- Communicate the idea inside the organization
- Demonstrate what it means to make “on-brand” choices in day-to-day activities
- Often a program that makes people understand how and why the brand idea is important, makes them excited about what they do, and engages them in an interesting way
- The engineers designing the brakes at BMW know that they are building the “ultimate driving machine”. They don’t need a cookbook recipe, they know the ingredients.
- Internal communication of the brand is a way of relating the brand idea and brand driver to the employees’ daily tasks. Best case, they understand all the touch-points with the consumers and what is expected of the brand in that stage.
Consider your brand’s name
- The most important branding signal
- An even simpler form of the brand idea than the brand driver
- The best names resonate with (1) brand strategy, (2) consumers, and (3) the law
- “Timberland” – a wonderfully suggestive and expandable name
Create branding signals, beyond the name
- Establish a couple of power signals to focus on
- Assess where the brand has the best opportunity to connect with the consumer
- Can be next to anything in the market mix: product design, web site, retail environment, etc
- Apple’s premium packaging and in-store environments are examples of branding signals, whereas KFC’s symbol is a true power signal